Elaine Daly 
This Video really brought me back to the time when I first watched The Secret movie and my amazement that these high voltage truths that I was discovering in my own life were now slipping into the mainstream.  So many years on, I am still inspired by this clip and find great peace within when I watch it.....

Love and blessings
Opening into infinity is a precarious notion….
Yet it is this exact opening that drives you forward in life whether you are aware of it or not.  Nothing ever changes without this thirst for a deeper experience of who you truly are 

This ever expanding field of Grace; this basket of energy that envelops your soul -
Questions like “why am I here?” and “who am I?” resonate around your head. 

You are not alone in this quest… in fact, you are so common, you more normal than normal itself.  This world that we live in is fastly becoming that of a seeker searching its way back into the stillness that only soul connection can provide.  Yet seeking is not enough and in fact the seakers path can be rather disappointing… for the simple fact… as soon as you find this that you are seeking you are yet again possessed to seek some more.   All the while you miss the very moment you are in.

- This God given chance to experience yourself as yourself with the freedom to think whatever you choose about yourself in your fully conscious state –

Nothing on earth can stop you from having an opinion and thus an experience of yourself.

Here comes the crunch… do you “always think happy thoughts” or “trust and allow whatever comes up in the moment” to be the opinion of choice.  I know this is one I struggle with at times and today I feel it needs further embellishment.  Can you fake it till you make it? Is the secret really a secret or indeed a law of attraction?  In my eyes there is but one law … the law of surrender… all else is secondary… put simply the universe is indeed a friendly loving and supportive place. 

It is solely your job to experience life flowing through and around you.  So you as the experiencer are totally in “control” of the life that you are living in so far as you are committed to surrendering to the full experience of every moment.  How would it be if you were like a child for a day and gave yourself full permission to experience your way through the day.  With every moment comes a new opportunity to experience life anew and afresh.  Thus whatever shows up and even your opinion of what shows up falls into secondary ranking to the experience you’re having of that event or opinion. 

Your ability to experience the present moment is directly related to you ability to surrender into the present moment, you cannot experience being in the moment if you are taking control of the moment.  So for a day my prescription is to surrender into the moment and experience it from the inside out.  For a whole day journey through time as though you were going through your favourite art gallery, theme park or outdoor hike.  Watch how the surrounding affects you… how your thoughts affect you… how your emotions affect you… Dropping judgement of everything and just noticing what you are experiencing… You can’t get “experiencing” wrong it is by definition totally subjective and that’s the point… this version of you that is calibrated in this exact way to experience this moment will never come again… thus making  this moment so precious and wonderfilled.  Even if this exact experience was to repeat itself your response to the experience would be coloured by your initial response thus making the experience unique in its own right.

In this surrender to the present moment and the experiencing of being in this moment, rewires you from a “seeker” into a “finder”.  This is the major difference between “happy” people and “unhappy” people… those that are seeking are never satisfied with what is… those that are finding the moment in every moment are living a life of awe and wonder…

Be warned that this practice does change your life and your ability to ignore what you’re feeling… However it will also enable you access and release stored and blocked energy and emotions quickly and effortlessly as you will come to notice as you live “a day in the life as a finder” that everything is constantly in flux… an ever changing morphing soup of experiences…

Enjoy and good luck xxx

I received this poem on 18 April 2011 while I was struggling with the huge internal changes and transformations that were happening to me.  With this poem came a huge sense of peace and surrender.  For me this was a real felt sense of being held and guided by Grace, and truthfully I feel that it brought me to a new level of surrender...

Blessings to one and all
E x

Spring Clean 
Effortless flowing eases through my limbs
Opening doorways I never knew
Secrets come tumbling forth
I am unprepared

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

Openings after openings
The tightly wound becomes undone
Frightened & scared
I sit alone in my mess

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

Fury spews forth
Tumbling down into sorrow
Endless openings
Of feelings denied

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

I sit in despair
All of me is unhidden
There is no escape from me
I am scared, I am lonely, I am undone

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

Finally in all my sorrow
I begin to listen to this silent voice
Noticing the openness
from all the openings

The Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

I notice the gaps & spaces
And drop into the silence left behind
My inner world stills
My spring clean is done

Received 19 April 2011

Openings – inlets of Grace
Causing relaxations
Freedoms to be released
Simple truths bring earth shattering beauty
My heart rests and my soul begins to sing
Softly at first
The love is gentle yet flowing
Waves of peace break onto my shores
Endless lappings eclipse my doubt
My days of fear are done

Rest comes easily now
When all the fight is over
I imagine this is what death feels like
The final release into the gap to beyond

Effortlessly my body is surrendered
The screaming child within is satisfied and at peace
Beloved I look to you in wonder
Did you know?
Have always know the endless opening
That was available when I took the leap

Rest easy little swan
Your transformation is complete
Be in the moment
The piece where all life stands still
Effortless ease embraces you from all sides
Your fight against what is – is finally done

Beloved centuries will pass and I will go on loving you
There is no boundary to the infinite

Silence is your closest ally
Your easy opening into my sea of love
Ever present
Ever flowing
Invites all
All of you must dive in
Nothing is left behind
No pattern or logic can call you back
You are my eternal child
There is nothing you can do to create a rift in this sea
It is but a choice to give yourself freely to this love that we are

And in that leap of surrender
The ocean of the universe fills every gap
With grace so that all of you is supported,
Held and christened in this sacred waters of grace
You are always held
- yet it is the sacred action of the fall
That allows you to experience love meeting you as you leap
Fall into my love and in the falling you realise
All that you fall through is also my love
Noticing that the you who is falling
Is not the you – you thought you were
But the you who you always are
Beloved true all encompassing love
Love falling in love with itself
The ultimate act of selflessness
A dying to who you thought your self to be
And a remembering of who you truly are.

The only question that remains is....

Are you ready to Leap???

Received 20 April 2001

Beloved, what wonder you can see touch and feel

You in all your wondrousness often forget
the simple pleasures and joys that surround you in every moment.
You wear clothes to shield you from touch
You spend hours with electrical equipment which can never
offer your eyes the depth of joy natural views brings you.
Your life is disconnected with who you truly are
- you become disconnected with your unique wondrousness.

Beloved the time has come for you to awaken to your own sensuality.
You ability to sense your way through life
To open your heart, mind and being to fully experience what is around you.
When was the last time you put your bare feet on the earth?
When was the last time your body rested on a natural surface?
So often you ‘go out’ into nature yet you never touch it.
You keep your shoes on – you daren’t take them off.

Now is the time for you to choose.
Do I want to connected or disconnected?
It is a simple choice
If you choose connection
Physically get outside and touch the world in which you live.
Touch the concrete and the grass,
The telephone poles and the trees.
Feel your way like a human surveyor
Let your senses bring you into connection with your environment.
Now once connected allowing your emotions to show what feels good and what feels joyful.
Then do more of that.
It is not for me to tell you what you prefer or what brings you into alignment 

– its for your own internal experience to guide you into living again.

This week I have been challenged by debt and feelings of being indebted to others.  I pride myself on integrity and transparency and somewhere in my mind it seems not ok that I have debt.  It can sometimes feel dirty and wrong.  A wise friend of mine and I were talking about debt and she said the quickest way to release debt from your system was to practice self forgiveness for taking part in actions that went against your inner truth.  Like when you override your gut or your heart and choose to play along to keep the peace or status quo.

This really struck a cord with me and I must admit I really struggled to forgive myself my pride had me wedged firmly between a rock and a hard place. Something had to give, and as per usual that something was me!

So after avoiding sitting to be still to receive the silent voice guidance, I finally relented and went into meditation.  The words came so fast I had barely settled myself down into silence.

The message was clear. Forgiveness is a practice that I need to practice and mostly on and for myself.

The silent voice lead me in a guided meditation to give my mind something to do while my heart forgave itself.   It is something that I will be doing daily from now on and for that reason I would love to share with you the meditation I have received.

Many blessings for today.

Enjoy,  listen & transform….

This poem came through on the morning of my final training with the wonderful Pat Cane.  It is dedicated to her and all those brave souls like her that are transforming our planet by connecting people back into LOVE and creating a culture of wellness and compassion.
For more info on Pat's wonderful work check out capacitar.org 


Freedom Falls Softly
like a descending Grace
opening you to your inner peaceful self
Time stretches & morphs
and all becomes still

The inner monkey stops its eternal squealing
the hamster slows its wheel to a stop
In this absence of thought
True wellness comes

At first it seems to be only the absence
of thought and the frantic racings of my mind
Yet this freedom is a rich thick embodiment
of something greater

This stillness is not empty
Instead it is overflowing with energy
- an effervescent transformation machine
Dissolving all it touches back into itself

Divine peace I call it
or sometimes Grace
The cosmic quality of Stillness
Openness & Trust

I long to live only in this place
Yet I know myself to be attached
To this that is dissolving
All the lies that I have taught myself to believe

For now – its baby steps for me
Little moments of graceful surrender
Maybe a head or finger hold
Or some Tai Chi or Pal Dal Gum…

Every step is another opening
Another seamless fall into Grace
Slowly my addiction to my old ways begins to die & surrender
As my addiction to this freedom takes hold of my heart

Now I know there is no path
I will not venture
No dive I will not make
I am freedoms warrior
Surrendering my way back home.

This post, comes in response to a wonderful question posed by my uncle. 
"How do you know its God speaking?"  So even though I have asked this question many times before, I thought, it best to ask again .... And here was the response I received on the 18 March 2011

I am the silent voice in your heart
The one that always speaks of love
Who is always there holding you
I am your guide and travel companion
Your beloved
Just as you are mine
I am your higher self
Yet I am more than that
I am your guides and angels
Yet I am also more than that
I am this that embodied every avatar
Yet I am more than them too
I am the complete collection of all there is
The alpha and the omega
There is nothing that I am not
And you like every person on this planet and other planets are this too
Yet I am more than your combined consciousness
Anything you can imagine
I am this and more
Anything you can experience
I am this and more

Beloved, you are love, a tiny spec of my infinite love
Yet you are also the embodiment of this infinite love

Be love
Be who you are right now
No changing
No conforming
Just for this instant
Give yourself permission to be in your wondrous powerful self.

Silence speaks through the wisdom of your heart
Yet you do not trust it
Instead you go outwards for answers you never find
No person can give you what you seek
It can only be awakened
Then it is up to you to open to this and begin to trust this silent voice within

There is so much the mind seeks to understand
Both the conscious and subconscious are in a constant state of flux
Realities are shifting and the norm no longer exists.

In every moment a new template is created.
So in every moment you have a choice
Do you create it out of trust or out of fear.

In these times of great flux.
You are beginning to see and feel
The difference of a reality created
From love or one from fear

Trust me, little one
It is not about choosing
The ‘right’ one
Or the one based in love because I said so.
It is about feeling your way
Through these realities and then beginning
to discern which choice brings you more joy.

My aim for this planet
is that it is a planet filled with joy laughter and an abundance of love.
It is however up to you to create this.
There have been many wise ones who have spoken about the path of surrender and joy.

The way you choose doesn’t matter only the choice is important.
Noticing every time you choose love it dissolves another bit of fear,
Just like light dissolves the darkness.

Remember the avatars and the wise ones, the saints and the sinners all had the same choice.
The truest meaning of sin is choosing fear over love.

This world of yours is transforming as we speak.
A Dynamic paradigm shift is awakening
this cosmic choice is in the very DNA and energetic bodies of every living thing.
    Trust in this opening it is a hugely grace filled time.

Yet the terror of change is upon you.
Who will you be if you change?
Who will you be if you do not?
All of this frantic seeking for answers that only the being with the new reality can offer
is making you any many others like you crazy.

You are so used to choosing your fear filled lens
that you have forgotten how to trust.

Beloved there is nothing to fear.
Listen to me now.
I go before you and behind you and I can carry all your fears.
There is nothing I cannot transmute into this love that I am.
Your only task is to release the fear to me.
Admit that your scared, frightened, confused, angry ,upset….
And decide to hand it over me. 

In this cosmic handing over of your burdens – you are actively choosing love.
This very act can and does transform lives in an instant.
Surrender your need to carry your burdens.
It is the weight of this fear consciousness that makes an experience heavy and hard to bear.

If you were to choose to surrender the fear and allow yourself be held by me and your angels.
Then choosing love will be effortless.

So starting right now beloved
Choose 1 burden
1 way in which you are choosing fear in your life.

Now imagine in your mind’s eye
Wrapping up all that fear, pain sorrow angst and fight into one big beautiful parcel.
Imagine placing it in your heart and giving it your final blessing.
  Then release it.
Bowing and honouring to this suffering and handing it over to me.
  Your infinite self.

Open up and relax your body, being and mind.
Allow your muscles to release and relax.
Open up to this new state of awareness
- the absence of fear.

Experience it
What is it like for you in this instant?
If there is any pain or fear left
Just take a moment to release that too.
Be like a child innocent in the gap and allow love to reveal itself to you.
This process maybe subtle so just keep aware of what
your body, mind and energy feels like.
Allow this state of grace to open you up and hold you. 

Let this love that you are, 
That I am, create a reality based on love.
In every second a new reality – a new now
Experienced through the lens of love.
Sometimes vulnerable or insecure
But always safe and protected.

Trust this love that you are will keep creating more love in your life.
This is automatic – there is no need to keep choosing love –
You are pre-programmed and if you notice fear arising
choose again to release it and let it go.
Give it your blessings and surrender your need to carry it. 

With every breath I am there beloved.
Trust that I will hold you throughout this.
All that is required is the ability to admit your own fears
– to surrender them and release them back to me.
I can transmute all things in an instant for I see only perfection.
Every living thing is perfect in my eyes
Even the presence of fear.
When I hold fear in its own perfection it transforms back into love – this that it always was.
Fear is just love dressed up.
This dressing causes so much suffering.
So now is the time to surrender it.
Let it go back to me.
And rest easy in the love that remains

I look forward to our next chat
 In all love
   The Silent Voice.