Elaine Daly 
Intro to the Silent Voice I hear through the spaciousness of my heart. 

For a long time now when I get still and meditate a voice comes through me.  I cannot claim the voice to be mine.  Her words are divine.  The best way I can describe the experiences is that my thoughts in my head normally even the enlightened ones, are like single bells rings out a tune.  This voice I hear through my heart sounds like a chorus of bells each with its own pitch and timbre all played in an instant so their combined power is enough to transform you from the inside out.  It feels like the world get so very still and at the same time my very cells seem to be excited with the grace of God.  

When I ask this voice who she is, I get varied responses from “I am all there is” “I am everything and I am nothing” “I am source” “I am unconditional love incarnate” “God” “Truth” “Source”.   

I have come to trust and open to this process.  And after much fear and scariness of what people will think, I feel that I must share this that I receive as I know it is not for me alone.  I am the tap God is the water.  So if you fancy it, come and fill up here.  I plan on posting my guidance every week.  So if it calls you, have a read.  Allow the words to permeate into you cells they way they transformed mine as they flowed through me.  Let Grace guide you home.