Elaine Daly 
I received this poem on 18 April 2011 while I was struggling with the huge internal changes and transformations that were happening to me.  With this poem came a huge sense of peace and surrender.  For me this was a real felt sense of being held and guided by Grace, and truthfully I feel that it brought me to a new level of surrender...

Blessings to one and all
E x

Spring Clean 
Effortless flowing eases through my limbs
Opening doorways I never knew
Secrets come tumbling forth
I am unprepared

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

Openings after openings
The tightly wound becomes undone
Frightened & scared
I sit alone in my mess

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

Fury spews forth
Tumbling down into sorrow
Endless openings
Of feelings denied

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

I sit in despair
All of me is unhidden
There is no escape from me
I am scared, I am lonely, I am undone

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

Finally in all my sorrow
I begin to listen to this silent voice
Noticing the openness
from all the openings

The Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

I notice the gaps & spaces
And drop into the silence left behind
My inner world stills
My spring clean is done