Elaine Daly 
This Video really brought me back to the time when I first watched The Secret movie and my amazement that these high voltage truths that I was discovering in my own life were now slipping into the mainstream.  So many years on, I am still inspired by this clip and find great peace within when I watch it.....

Love and blessings

The Silent Voice – 8 of April 2011

Freedom Flows through you like a
Stone falls through the water
There is no resistance which can hold back
Or impede your freedom.
It flows right down into the depths of your being.

As it drops downwards it sends ripples outwards
  – Tiny Shockwaves of Grace
Which affect every aspect of your Being
So that Nothing is left untouched

My divine design is perfect
A web of complex simplicity
Total connection between all things
There is never a choice or an action
That doesn’t affect the whole. 

Nonetheless, there a state of Grace that is more powerful that all others
It is the frequency of Love.

Divine Unconditional Love.

And how do you know when you’re feeling it?
It’s an embodied feeling. 
Not just a thought or an emotion in isolation.
The Grace of Love
Is always in relationship

There must always be something that you believe yourself to be separate from
for you to love it.
And similarly it always seems that there is something different from you
that loves you back.

This is my sweetest gift to you.

You are love
Beautiful Love Incarnate.

Yet you can only experience this love that WE are
when you feel yourself separate from this thing that you love.
Yet no separation ever existed.
On every level you are but an image of another.
immersed in this cosmic soup of love.
Some call it the quantum field, others matter and reality.
I call it ME.

This is why beloved you are me just as I am you
We are inextricably linked - a unique matched pair.

Yet by your birthright into your physical form you have been given this gift of Freedom.
Freedom to see yourself as separate from the whole,
in order to experience Love.

How many ways can you experience love today?
How many ways can you access this most powerful state of Grace.
This that transforms all pain, lack and suffering into itself

Take a moment right now to notice what parts of you seem separate from you.
And notice the huge freedom you have to choose to experience
Love loving itself unconditionally with this fierce tenderness.

Try it, start small.
  - With and arm or a leg.
  Or maybe even your heart.
Try it right now

Take a deep breath in
    And out

Allow this breath to guide you into the web of Grace between you and this part of your body
Take a moment to sit with each breath as it uncovers this grace for you.
How does it show up?
Just keep noticing what you are experiencing – be innocent in your breath – childlike.
Discover the love between you and your body

This state of grace that is always present in every moment.
As you begin to access this grace within your own body,
You will begin to access it with others around you
Then the plants and animals will seem more alive to you.
You will begin to see how I see, to hear how I hear, to feel how I feel
With your senses locked on love.
The world transforms into heaven.
This that you dream of after death becomes alive in your physical life.

This is my divine design
Freedom to choose to connect with the Grace of love.

And begin to know yourself and this earth as love loving itself.
  Then it no longer becomes an act of faith but an act of being.
  Tried trusted and true. 

Play with this,
  In every moment I am here to guide you back into this most powerful Grace.
Rejoice in your apparent separation as it is facilitating your experience of love.

Till our next chat
  Be love
   Think love
     Receive love

Notice how much this that is separate from you is experiencing Loving you!
  Start with me …

This Silent Voice
How am I loving you in this instant?
Just opening your heart and receiving all this love in
Allowing it to really drench you
Soak right into your cells
  Giving yourself the gift of being loved

William McDonough is so inspirational.
I'm not really a city girl.. But this is deffo one city I would love to live in!
If He makes of me a cup, I am a cup;
I am a dagger if He makes me a dagger.
If he makes me a fountain, water pours out of me;
Heat dances from me if He makes me a fire.
If He makes me rain, I give birth to rich fields;
If He makes me an arrow, I pierce hearts;
If he makes me a serpent, poison flames from me.
If He makes me a friend, I serve my friends.
He is the Writer; I am the pen in His fingers.
Who am I to obey or disobey? 

- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi
(Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi)

What was whispered to the rose to break it open 
last night was whispered to my heart.

- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi
(Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi)


Surrender yourself, and if you cannot be welcomed by the Friend,
Know that you are rebelling inwardly like a thread
That doesn't want to go through the needle's eye!
The awakened heart is a lamp; protect it by the hem of your robe!
Hurry and get out of this wind, for the weather is bad.
And when you've left this storm, you will come to a fountain;
You'll find a Friend there who will always nourish your soul.
And with your soul always green, you'll grown into a tall tree
Flowering always with sweet light-fruit, whose growth is interior.

- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi
(Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi)