Elaine Daly 
Silence speaks through the wisdom of your heart
Yet you do not trust it
Instead you go outwards for answers you never find
No person can give you what you seek
It can only be awakened
Then it is up to you to open to this and begin to trust this silent voice within

There is so much the mind seeks to understand
Both the conscious and subconscious are in a constant state of flux
Realities are shifting and the norm no longer exists.

In every moment a new template is created.
So in every moment you have a choice
Do you create it out of trust or out of fear.

In these times of great flux.
You are beginning to see and feel
The difference of a reality created
From love or one from fear

Trust me, little one
It is not about choosing
The ‘right’ one
Or the one based in love because I said so.
It is about feeling your way
Through these realities and then beginning
to discern which choice brings you more joy.

My aim for this planet
is that it is a planet filled with joy laughter and an abundance of love.
It is however up to you to create this.
There have been many wise ones who have spoken about the path of surrender and joy.

The way you choose doesn’t matter only the choice is important.
Noticing every time you choose love it dissolves another bit of fear,
Just like light dissolves the darkness.

Remember the avatars and the wise ones, the saints and the sinners all had the same choice.
The truest meaning of sin is choosing fear over love.

This world of yours is transforming as we speak.
A Dynamic paradigm shift is awakening
this cosmic choice is in the very DNA and energetic bodies of every living thing.
    Trust in this opening it is a hugely grace filled time.

Yet the terror of change is upon you.
Who will you be if you change?
Who will you be if you do not?
All of this frantic seeking for answers that only the being with the new reality can offer
is making you any many others like you crazy.

You are so used to choosing your fear filled lens
that you have forgotten how to trust.

Beloved there is nothing to fear.
Listen to me now.
I go before you and behind you and I can carry all your fears.
There is nothing I cannot transmute into this love that I am.
Your only task is to release the fear to me.
Admit that your scared, frightened, confused, angry ,upset….
And decide to hand it over me. 

In this cosmic handing over of your burdens – you are actively choosing love.
This very act can and does transform lives in an instant.
Surrender your need to carry your burdens.
It is the weight of this fear consciousness that makes an experience heavy and hard to bear.

If you were to choose to surrender the fear and allow yourself be held by me and your angels.
Then choosing love will be effortless.

So starting right now beloved
Choose 1 burden
1 way in which you are choosing fear in your life.

Now imagine in your mind’s eye
Wrapping up all that fear, pain sorrow angst and fight into one big beautiful parcel.
Imagine placing it in your heart and giving it your final blessing.
  Then release it.
Bowing and honouring to this suffering and handing it over to me.
  Your infinite self.

Open up and relax your body, being and mind.
Allow your muscles to release and relax.
Open up to this new state of awareness
- the absence of fear.

Experience it
What is it like for you in this instant?
If there is any pain or fear left
Just take a moment to release that too.
Be like a child innocent in the gap and allow love to reveal itself to you.
This process maybe subtle so just keep aware of what
your body, mind and energy feels like.
Allow this state of grace to open you up and hold you. 

Let this love that you are, 
That I am, create a reality based on love.
In every second a new reality – a new now
Experienced through the lens of love.
Sometimes vulnerable or insecure
But always safe and protected.

Trust this love that you are will keep creating more love in your life.
This is automatic – there is no need to keep choosing love –
You are pre-programmed and if you notice fear arising
choose again to release it and let it go.
Give it your blessings and surrender your need to carry it. 

With every breath I am there beloved.
Trust that I will hold you throughout this.
All that is required is the ability to admit your own fears
– to surrender them and release them back to me.
I can transmute all things in an instant for I see only perfection.
Every living thing is perfect in my eyes
Even the presence of fear.
When I hold fear in its own perfection it transforms back into love – this that it always was.
Fear is just love dressed up.
This dressing causes so much suffering.
So now is the time to surrender it.
Let it go back to me.
And rest easy in the love that remains

I look forward to our next chat
 In all love
   The Silent Voice. 


The Silent Voice – 8 of April 2011

Freedom Flows through you like a
Stone falls through the water
There is no resistance which can hold back
Or impede your freedom.
It flows right down into the depths of your being.

As it drops downwards it sends ripples outwards
  – Tiny Shockwaves of Grace
Which affect every aspect of your Being
So that Nothing is left untouched

My divine design is perfect
A web of complex simplicity
Total connection between all things
There is never a choice or an action
That doesn’t affect the whole. 

Nonetheless, there a state of Grace that is more powerful that all others
It is the frequency of Love.

Divine Unconditional Love.

And how do you know when you’re feeling it?
It’s an embodied feeling. 
Not just a thought or an emotion in isolation.
The Grace of Love
Is always in relationship

There must always be something that you believe yourself to be separate from
for you to love it.
And similarly it always seems that there is something different from you
that loves you back.

This is my sweetest gift to you.

You are love
Beautiful Love Incarnate.

Yet you can only experience this love that WE are
when you feel yourself separate from this thing that you love.
Yet no separation ever existed.
On every level you are but an image of another.
immersed in this cosmic soup of love.
Some call it the quantum field, others matter and reality.
I call it ME.

This is why beloved you are me just as I am you
We are inextricably linked - a unique matched pair.

Yet by your birthright into your physical form you have been given this gift of Freedom.
Freedom to see yourself as separate from the whole,
in order to experience Love.

How many ways can you experience love today?
How many ways can you access this most powerful state of Grace.
This that transforms all pain, lack and suffering into itself

Take a moment right now to notice what parts of you seem separate from you.
And notice the huge freedom you have to choose to experience
Love loving itself unconditionally with this fierce tenderness.

Try it, start small.
  - With and arm or a leg.
  Or maybe even your heart.
Try it right now

Take a deep breath in
    And out

Allow this breath to guide you into the web of Grace between you and this part of your body
Take a moment to sit with each breath as it uncovers this grace for you.
How does it show up?
Just keep noticing what you are experiencing – be innocent in your breath – childlike.
Discover the love between you and your body

This state of grace that is always present in every moment.
As you begin to access this grace within your own body,
You will begin to access it with others around you
Then the plants and animals will seem more alive to you.
You will begin to see how I see, to hear how I hear, to feel how I feel
With your senses locked on love.
The world transforms into heaven.
This that you dream of after death becomes alive in your physical life.

This is my divine design
Freedom to choose to connect with the Grace of love.

And begin to know yourself and this earth as love loving itself.
  Then it no longer becomes an act of faith but an act of being.
  Tried trusted and true. 

Play with this,
  In every moment I am here to guide you back into this most powerful Grace.
Rejoice in your apparent separation as it is facilitating your experience of love.

Till our next chat
  Be love
   Think love
     Receive love

Notice how much this that is separate from you is experiencing Loving you!
  Start with me …

This Silent Voice
How am I loving you in this instant?
Just opening your heart and receiving all this love in
Allowing it to really drench you
Soak right into your cells
  Giving yourself the gift of being loved

The Silent Voice - Received 01 April 2011

Trust, Be Still & Open

Listen lightly
Yet listen with the ears
of your heart.

This message is devised
Especially for you

Are you listening?
Are you sure?

Great! So,

Here’s my big Insight….

You cannot Fuck it up!

There is no way you can,

All is Divine
& all is mine alone to worry about.

Be God's fool

Lay your burdens down
Right now
With each breath
Cast them onto the Grace within

Release every last scandalous thought

Every thought of lack, inadequacy
or self harm
Let them all go.
If even for an instant

Allow me, the inner Grace,
to carry the burden of
 your perceived imperfection.

Little one there is no other 
More befitting of my love
More divine, more pure than you.

You are my Divine creation
My perfect thought

All your thoughts of lack
Scarcity and hopelessness just
act as a lampshade to
the light that you are.

Trust your fooling no-one
Everyone sees your light
for without this light there is
no-one and no-thing
to see

Every particle of you is this light
I am this light
You are this light
Can light ever be

Is there ever an imperfect sun beam?
  No - and there can never be one either
Only clouds can lessen its intensity.
It is never night when the sun is shining.

Trust little one that your
sun beam is perfect and
only your sunbeam can
light up all it touches.  

Whether clouded or grey
You bring the light to all those you meet
You bring me to all those you meet.
And they bring me to you.

See – it’s a simple ever expanding field of light
A web of Grace
Encompassing all
Holding all

So why not release the clouds of worry,
  lack and imperfection.
For you are none of these things.
Your greatness is unparalleled
  Joyous and free

And guess what - everyone can see this.
By taking off your cloud filled glasses
You begin to see with my eyes
All is once again seen as Divine perfection

No mistakes ~ No Worries ~ No Fuck Ups

Only light shining from every living thing
Gracious, Abundant & most of all
No-one shines because you paid them
Not in money, not in love, not in compliments
    They shine because we all do.

So let me gather up your Clouds
 Those ringing thoughts in your head
Those pains in your body

With every breath release what is mine back to me.

Your only job
Be the light
  And release the clouds

With Every breath
Be the light
  And release the clouds

Be the light
  And release the clouds

With love
  Now and always

    The Silent Voice