Elaine Daly 
Opening into infinity is a precarious notion….
Yet it is this exact opening that drives you forward in life whether you are aware of it or not.  Nothing ever changes without this thirst for a deeper experience of who you truly are 

This ever expanding field of Grace; this basket of energy that envelops your soul -
Questions like “why am I here?” and “who am I?” resonate around your head. 

You are not alone in this quest… in fact, you are so common, you more normal than normal itself.  This world that we live in is fastly becoming that of a seeker searching its way back into the stillness that only soul connection can provide.  Yet seeking is not enough and in fact the seakers path can be rather disappointing… for the simple fact… as soon as you find this that you are seeking you are yet again possessed to seek some more.   All the while you miss the very moment you are in.

- This God given chance to experience yourself as yourself with the freedom to think whatever you choose about yourself in your fully conscious state –

Nothing on earth can stop you from having an opinion and thus an experience of yourself.

Here comes the crunch… do you “always think happy thoughts” or “trust and allow whatever comes up in the moment” to be the opinion of choice.  I know this is one I struggle with at times and today I feel it needs further embellishment.  Can you fake it till you make it? Is the secret really a secret or indeed a law of attraction?  In my eyes there is but one law … the law of surrender… all else is secondary… put simply the universe is indeed a friendly loving and supportive place. 

It is solely your job to experience life flowing through and around you.  So you as the experiencer are totally in “control” of the life that you are living in so far as you are committed to surrendering to the full experience of every moment.  How would it be if you were like a child for a day and gave yourself full permission to experience your way through the day.  With every moment comes a new opportunity to experience life anew and afresh.  Thus whatever shows up and even your opinion of what shows up falls into secondary ranking to the experience you’re having of that event or opinion. 

Your ability to experience the present moment is directly related to you ability to surrender into the present moment, you cannot experience being in the moment if you are taking control of the moment.  So for a day my prescription is to surrender into the moment and experience it from the inside out.  For a whole day journey through time as though you were going through your favourite art gallery, theme park or outdoor hike.  Watch how the surrounding affects you… how your thoughts affect you… how your emotions affect you… Dropping judgement of everything and just noticing what you are experiencing… You can’t get “experiencing” wrong it is by definition totally subjective and that’s the point… this version of you that is calibrated in this exact way to experience this moment will never come again… thus making  this moment so precious and wonderfilled.  Even if this exact experience was to repeat itself your response to the experience would be coloured by your initial response thus making the experience unique in its own right.

In this surrender to the present moment and the experiencing of being in this moment, rewires you from a “seeker” into a “finder”.  This is the major difference between “happy” people and “unhappy” people… those that are seeking are never satisfied with what is… those that are finding the moment in every moment are living a life of awe and wonder…

Be warned that this practice does change your life and your ability to ignore what you’re feeling… However it will also enable you access and release stored and blocked energy and emotions quickly and effortlessly as you will come to notice as you live “a day in the life as a finder” that everything is constantly in flux… an ever changing morphing soup of experiences…

Enjoy and good luck xxx

I received this poem on 18 April 2011 while I was struggling with the huge internal changes and transformations that were happening to me.  With this poem came a huge sense of peace and surrender.  For me this was a real felt sense of being held and guided by Grace, and truthfully I feel that it brought me to a new level of surrender...

Blessings to one and all
E x

Spring Clean 
Effortless flowing eases through my limbs
Opening doorways I never knew
Secrets come tumbling forth
I am unprepared

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

Openings after openings
The tightly wound becomes undone
Frightened & scared
I sit alone in my mess

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

Fury spews forth
Tumbling down into sorrow
Endless openings
Of feelings denied

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

I sit in despair
All of me is unhidden
There is no escape from me
I am scared, I am lonely, I am undone

Yet a Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

Finally in all my sorrow
I begin to listen to this silent voice
Noticing the openness
from all the openings

The Silent Voice speaks
Trust little one
All is well
This is but a spring clean

I notice the gaps & spaces
And drop into the silence left behind
My inner world stills
My spring clean is done